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Recording / Uploading Inbound Call Prompts

When you receive an incoming call to your FuseDesk app, you can do far more than just play back text to speech for each of your prompts. You can record - or even upload! - your own audio for all the prompts like your inbound call greeting, voicemail prompt, transferring notification, and more. To get Keep Reading...

Transferring Calls to Voicemail

Beyond just transferring calls to others agents online, you can also directly transfer a caller to an unavailable rep's voicemail. To send a caller to voicemail, click the same transfer button while on a call. Below the list of online/available reps, you'll see Unavailable reps. Simply choose an unavailable rep and the call will be Keep Reading...

Call Disposition Reporting in FuseDesk

How many of your incoming calls get through to one of your team members? How often do they go to voicemail because no team members are online or available? Now you can find out in your FuseDesk Call Disposition report! You'll find your new Call Disposition report under the Call category in Reports. Incoming calls Keep Reading...

High/Medium/Low Case Priority in FuseDesk

If your team is used to organizing your cases by case priority, you can organize your cases in FuseDesk in much the same way. To assign a High, Medium, Low Priority to a case, you'll simply assign a Case Tag. You can even create your own custom Priority case tags on the fly right from Keep Reading...

Setting Chat and Call Availability in FuseDesk

As a rep, you can set yourself to be available for chat and or calls right from the sidebar in FuseDesk. Next to your name, click the Chat icon to enable or disable chat availability. Click the Phone icon to enable or disable chat availability. When unavailable for chats or calls, you won't be notified Keep Reading...

Live Chat First Question Asked Reporting

What are you website visitors most often reaching out to your team about on Live Chat? Find out in our First Question Asked report in FuseDesk. From Reports choose First Live Question Asked from under Chat reports. This will show you all messages sent by website visitors before your team responded. You then have one-click Keep Reading...

What are Case Tags?

In FuseDesk, individual cases can have Case Tags which are helpful in 3 ways. First, organizationally, case tags let you organize your cases so at a glance you can see what your cases are about right from a Case Queue. In your Workflows, you can even organize your cases into Workflow stages or columns based Keep Reading...

Enabling Microphone Access in Your Browser

In order to make and receive phone calls in FuseDesk, you'll need to provide microphone access in your browser. If you've previously denied access to the mic, or you have it disabled for all sites, you can selectively enable microphone access for FuseDesk. Enabling Microphone Access in Chrome In the top right of Chrome, click Keep Reading...