Case Queues

FuseDesk Help Documentation for all Case Queue pages

High/Medium/Low Case Priority in FuseDesk

If your team is used to organizing your cases by case priority, you can organize your cases in FuseDesk in much the same way. To assign a High, Medium, Low Priority to a case, you'll simply assign a Case Tag. You can even create your own custom Priority case tags on the fly right from Keep Reading...

What are Case Tags?

In FuseDesk, individual cases can have Case Tags which are helpful in 3 ways. First, organizationally, case tags let you organize your cases so at a glance you can see what your cases are about right from a Case Queue. In your Workflows, you can even organize your cases into Workflow stages or columns based Keep Reading...

Keyboard Shortcuts and Hotkeys in FuseDesk

Calling all Power Users! Step up your game with Keyboard Shortcuts (aka "Hotkeys") in FuseDesk. Navigating around your FuseDesk app is a breeze with our keyboard shortcuts. Click the ( ? ) Help Icon in the top right of any FuseDesk page and we'll show you what keys are available for the view that you're Keep Reading...

How do I find my Snoozed Cases?

When you snooze a case, it is no longer visible in your inbox. At the bottom of your inbox - or any case queue - you'll find a link to view Snoozed Cases. Simply click that link and you'll be able to view any cases that are snoozed in that queue. Using Advanced Case Search Optionally, Keep Reading...