Zapier Connects FuseDesk to Your Apps
Easy automation for busy people. Zapier moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.
Zapier + FuseDesk = Magic
Integrate FuseDesk with all of your favorite apps using Zapier.
Automate the creation of new FuseDesk cases, update cases, and more with Zapier.
Create powerful automated workflows and get more done without any coding.
What Can Zapier and FuseDesk Do?
Connect FuseDesk up to thousands of other applications and create the Zaps you need to get the job done. For example:
Zaps Connect FuseDesk to Your Apps
Using Zapier, you can create Zaps to connect your apps to FuseDesk to intelligently automate your workflows.
Create FuseDesk cases automatically.
Update a FuseDesk case.
Trigger an automation when a FuseDesk case is created.
Trigger a Zap when a new team member is added to FuseDesk.
And so much more!
FuseDesk Loves Your Apps
FuseDesk connects to your favorite apps like Slack, Gmail, Keap, ActiveCampaign, Trello, and so much more!
The first and only helpdesk you’ll ever need.
Focus on your customers, not your software. Try FuseDesk absolutely free. No credit cards. No time limit. No obligations. You’re going to love FuseDesk, the new way to helpdesk.