What are you website visitors most often reaching out to your team about on Live Chat?
Find out in our First Question Asked report in FuseDesk.
From Reports choose First Live Question Asked from under Chat reports.
This will show you all messages sent by website visitors before your team responded.
You then have one-click access to view the entire chat or view the linked contact.
Remember that you can always filter for chats by Department or Rep using the filters above, or narrow your search to specific Dates or a recent time time frame.
What can you do with the first questions asked?
So, what should you do with the first questions asked by your website visitors on live chat?
Create articles, help documents, or FAQs on your site to help your prospects and customers find the answers they need.
If you’re using FuseDesk’s free WordPress plugin on your site, it’ll even automatically suggest articles when your customers go to create a new support ticket.
You can also create Snippets for your team to use to more easily answer common questions in Live Chat.