When you receive an incoming call to your FuseDesk app, you can do far more than just play back text to speech for each of your prompts.
You can record – or even upload! – your own audio for all the prompts like your inbound call greeting, voicemail prompt, transferring notification, and more.
To get started, head to your Chat Settings under Settings and choose your Twilio integration.
Once a number is configured for inbound calling, you’ll be able to set global prompts for all of your numbers, or click the gear icon next to a number to set specific prompts just for that phone number.
To change from text to speech prompts to recorded audio, click the Record icon next to a prompt.
Next, click the record button and start recording audio right from your computer.
If you’ve already recorded your audio prompts, you can simply drag/drop the file into the recording modal or click the Upload button and choose the audio file you’d like us to play.
After you’ve recorded or uploaded your file, you can click the play button to preview what you’re recorded.
Now, when callers dial one of your numbers that routes to FuseDesk, they’ll hear the audio that you recorded or uploaded!