Beyond just transferring calls to others agents online, you can also directly transfer a caller to an unavailable rep’s voicemail.
To send a caller to voicemail, click the same transfer button while on a call.
Below the list of online/available reps, you’ll see Unavailable reps.
Simply choose an unavailable rep and the call will be transferred directly to that team member’s voicemail.
The new case with the voicemail and transcript will then be transferred directly to your colleague!
Unavailable Reps
A colleague can be unavailable for one of four reasons.
- A rep can simply be offline and not logged into FuseDesk.
- A rep can be online in FuseDesk, but not wanting to receive calls.
- A rep can be actively on another call.
- A rep can be wrapping up from a previous call.
When might you transfer a caller directly to voicemail?
Your receptionist can route inbound callers calling your main number to the specific person they’re looking for even if out of office.
Prospects and customers returning a call to their sales rep can leave a message directly for their rep.