

Importing Email Templates into FuseDesk

If you have created an email template in Infusionsoft / Keap and you'd like to import it into FuseDesk, you can do so easily from the Email Template Editor. Head into Settings, Templates, and then Email Templates. From there, click on the Import button. You'll now see a list of all templates in your CRM Keep Reading...

Favorites in FuseDesk

FuseDesk allows you to quickly and easily find your favorite case tags, email templates, note templates, Infusionsoft tags, Infusionsoft legacy Action Sets, and more right where you need them most without having to search for or scroll to what you need. Favorites in FuseDesk can be set both at the department level as well as Keep Reading...

Leverage Note Templates for New Cases

Leverage the power of Note Templates right in FuseDesk when you're creating a New Case! Simply choose the template you'd like to use from the template selector and we'll instantly load your template and merge in all of the contact merge fields for the contact selected. Common uses of Note Templates for New Cases include Keep Reading...

How can I organize my Email Templates in FuseDesk?

Your Email Templates can be easily organized by category right from within FuseDesk's template editor. Template categories allow you and your team to more easily find the template you're looking for and pick from a smaller list when replying to a case. Since you can assign a default template category to each of your departments, Keep Reading...

The Powered by FuseDesk footer

Emails sent from FuseDesk and our Live Chat Widget include a "Powered by FuseDesk" footer by default. If you are a FuseDesk Partner, you can configure this link to use your Partner link and earn a referral thank you on any new accounts originating from your link. Enterprise apps have the ability to remove this footer entirely, Keep Reading...