If you have multiple product lines or brands within your business, you can setup FuseDesk Departments to keep your cases organized, your team specialized, reporting separate, and branding intact.
For product lines, you might have your departments setup as Product Support, Events, and Membership.
For brands, you might have a department each for ABC Widgets, DEF Gizmos, and XYZ Doodads.
Let’s use ABC Widgets as an example.
Creating a Department
First, create a new department for ABC Widgets from Departments under Settings.
Email Forwarding and Assignment
Next setup your email forwarding so that each of your branded email addresses come into FuseDesk, so in this example, [email protected]
Now, head to your Email Rules and setup an email rule for any email to your support address like [email protected] to be automatically assigned to any rep in the ABC Widgets department.
Rep Specialization
When editing the department, you can select the reps you’d like to specialize in this department.
Team members can specialize in multiple departments and departments can have multiple reps in them.
Keeping Templates Organized
In Infusionsoft, create a new template category for this department so all of your template can stay organized.
You can edit your template categories by going to Marketing Settings and then Template Defaults. Add your new category under Template Categories and then click Save.
Next, clone your default reply template in Infusionsoft to use as a template in this new department and adjust the from email address, copy, and signature.
While editing the template in Infusionsoft, change the category that the template is in to this department’s category.
Back in FuseDesk, head to your Cache Management under Settings and refresh your Infusionsoft Templates.
Now, when you edit your department, you can select your new default reply template and template category.
This way, when your team goes to reply to a case, only templates in this department’s category will be listed allowing your team to respond more quickly.
And… the default reply template will be branded to this department with the right from address, style, and signature.
Reporting on Departments
Most reports in FuseDesk can be filtered by department.
After you find the report that you’d like, click on the Filter tab of the reports and choose just the department that you want to see stats for.
When viewing a departments case queue, the queue stats will show stats for just that department automatically.