Live Chat

Adding FuseDesk Live Chat to Infusionsoft Order Forms and Shopping Carts

Adding FuseDesk's Live Chat to your Infusionsoft by Keap Order Forms, Order Form Themes, and Shopping Cart Themes can help you to increase conversions by answering your prospects questions at their point or purchase. Finding Your Live Chat Embed Code The first step is getting your Live Chat embed code. Login to your FuseDesk App and Keep Reading...

Adding FuseDesk Live Chat to WordPress

Adding FuseDesk's Live Chat for Keap and Infusionsoft to your WordPress site can be done in a few easy steps. The easiest way is with our free WordPress Plugin. The instructions below are if you don't have our plugin installed. Finding Your Live Chat Embed Code The first step is getting your Live Chat embed Keep Reading...

Adding FuseDesk Live Chat with Google Tag Manager

Adding FuseDesk's Live Chat for Keap and Infusionsoft to your site using Google Tag Manager can be done in a few steps. Finding Your Live Chat Embed Code The first step is getting your Live Chat embed code. Login to your FuseDesk App and click Chat Settings under Settings Click the green Live Chat + Keep Reading...

How do I set my Chat Availability in FuseDesk?

When FuseDesk Live Chat is active, you'll see a Chats tab in your FuseDesk sidebar and a chat icon right under your name at the top of the sidebar. Clicking the chat icon by your name will toggle your availability on and off. When you login to FuseDesk, you'll want to actively toggle yourself as Keep Reading...

How can I customize FuseDesk’s Live Chat for Infusionsoft?

FuseDesk's native Live Chat for Infusionsoft allows you to customize the appearance of the chat widget as well as a few other settings. First, make sure you setup a new Live Chat configuration. Then, click into it to customize your chat widget options. Default Chat Department Live Chat Widgets can be linked to a default department Keep Reading...

How do I setup FuseDesk Live Chat for Keap and Infusionsoft?

Chatting with your Keap and Infusionsoft Contacts right on your website is as easy as can be with FuseDesk's native Live Chat for Keap and Infusionsoft. To get started: Login to your FuseDesk App and click Chat Settings under Settings Click the green Live Chat + button Configure your chat widget and settings Copy the Keep Reading...