

Why is my Infusionsoft API Key invalid?

If you're getting errors about your Infusionsoft / Keap API Key being invalid, there are a few things that could be causing this issue. First, make sure that you have an Encrypted API key set in your Infusionsoft application. In Infusionsoft / Keap, navigate to Admin | Settings, click on Application on the left, and Keep Reading...

Phone Tag Voicemails in Infusionsoft

Phone Tag can easily send your voicemails – and even voicemail transcripts – right into Infusionsoft through FuseDesk. All you need to do is configure Phone Tag to send email notifications to your support address and FuseDesk will handle the rest. Log into your Phone Tag account. Navigate to Account Settings.  Click on Email Delivery Options where Keep Reading...

Vocalocity (Vonage Business) Voicemails in Infusionsoft

Vonage Business (previously Vocalocity PBX) can easily send your voicemails – and even voicemail transcripts – right into Infusionsoft through FuseDesk. All you need to do is configure Vocalocity PBX to send email notifications to your support address and FuseDesk will handle the rest. Log into your Vonage Business account and edit your Settings. Navigate to your Keep Reading...