Some of the Case Actions you’re used to finding in the middle of viewing a case have moved to the top of the page for easier access!
Case Feedback has moved up top to a star icon and just like always lets you enable/disable Feedback on a case, request feedback, view ratings and feedback, and more.
If you’ve connected FuseDesk to your CRM, CRM Automations and Tags are now combined into one Automation menu. Click the gear icon and type to search and easily find the tag or automation you’re looking for. Individual and department favorites still work just the same to give you easy access to your most frequently used automations and tags.
- For Keap, this includes your Keap Tags and Keap Legacy Action Sets.
- For ActiveCampaign, this includes your ActiveCampaign Tags and ActiveCampaign Automations.
- For Ontraport, this includes your Ontraport Tags and Ontraport Campaigns.
Case Merge has been given its own dedicated button and shows more of your recent cases to easily merge two cases. You can even type in the search to more easily find the case you’d like to merge!
Lastly, Case Split has also moved from behind a More tab to its own button, too, and when clicked will let you split your case just like always.
Your case view has a few more changes coming soon to keep your view clean and the functionality you need easy to find and quick to access. Stay tuned in app for a sneak peek and if you’d like early access to what’s coming soon in FuseDesk, just let us know!