If you’d like to see which reps have logged in, which reps have been deactivated, or invite a rep to log into FuseDesk, visit your Support Reps page under Settings.
On this page you may see two or three groups of users.
Active Reps
The Active Reps up top shows you all users who have active FuseDesk logins and when they last logged in.
Click into each rep to edit their profile, permissions, department assignments, and more.
Click Deactivate next to a rep to disable their login and hide their name on the side bar when they have no cases.
If your rep hasn’t logged in yet, click the Resend Invite button to resend their invite email.
Invitable CRM Users
If you are connected to a CRM and your CRM supports Users (like in Infusionsoft or ActiveCampaign), you may have a section for Invitable Users. If you have any CRM Users who haven’t yet logged into FuseDesk, you’ll see them listed.
Next to each name, you’ll have the option to click and invite them to FuseDesk. This will send them a friendly email invite with instructions on how to login.
Disabled Reps
The Disabled Users section will show you any logins that have been deactivated.
Click Reactive next to any rep’s name to instantly reactivate their login.