

5 Easy Ways to Be Your Best

Customer service is not that different than other areas of our lives: it's more fun when we are energized and feeling like our best selves.  Our customers feel that energy and enjoyment from us and it becomes contagious, energizing them and making them feel happier for having interacted with us.  But how do you keep Keep Reading...

I Stepped into Customer Service and Here’s What Happened

As our businesses grow, our attention gets pulled to new areas. Company growth, product offerings, partnerships, behind the scenes housekeeping... it all eats into the time we originally spent on the front lines, interacting with our customers, solving their problems, and answering their questions. I recently realized how very long it had been since I Keep Reading...

You Need This to Provide Excellent Service

We all know that being on the front lines of customer service can be a challenge.  Representatives are faced with expectations of extensive product knowledge, policy and procedure adherence, dealing with displeased customers, and delivering every answer and every solution with the utmost friendliness.  We've previously discussed various ways to prevent service representative burnout, but Keep Reading...