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Maintain a Positive Outlook Like This

Customer service can grind us down as we go through case after case.  However, we do not have the luxury of allowing ourselves to be any less fresh or positive for one customer than another.  But what can we actively do to ensure that we can brush off the tough cases and maintain our positive Keep Reading...

If the Customer is Always Right, Do This

The age old adage of "the customer is always right" is thrown around a lot in conversations about how to provide great service, but what does it mean in reality?  What are concrete ways to show a customer that she's always right? Tiffany recently switched telecommunications providers.  She made the move from a big, national Keep Reading...

How to Fix a Customer Mistake

There are certainly a good number of cases that come through customer service because customers' errors have created problems for them or another company has dropped the ball, leaving them in a bind. They then reach out to us, hoping that something can be done in order to fix the situation. While not every case Keep Reading...

But I Could Never Go Viral

We've all seen them: the stories of outstanding customer service that hit social media and suddenly grow to an audience of epic proportions.  It's fantastic and it's fun, but it seems unattainable.  The customer service equivalent of hitting the lottery.  And we may blame our heretofore lack of viral-worthy opportunities on our perception that our Keep Reading...

Setting the Standard: Find Inspiration In These Cases

Reading inspiring customer service stories are an excellent way to focus our efforts on wowing our customers and remind us to connect with them whenever possible.  Here are three such stories. The first involves a customer by the name of Kelly Kinkel.  She had purchased a coat from online retailer, Zulily.  However, when it arrived, Keep Reading...

Now is the Time: Prepare for the Holidays

Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. --Alexander Graham Bell Summer has ended and fall is in the air.  That means that the busiest time of year for customer service, the holiday season, is rapidly approaching.  Is your team ready for the increased workload that’s soon to begin? Train [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" Keep Reading...

They’ll Pick You (or your baby) Up

When people are asked to list off industries from which they expect great customer service, car rental companies might not be on the shortlist.  But the opportunities for excellent customer service abound and great customer service employees, like John Goodlett, know it. This summer, Coty Vincent was the victim of a traffic accident at the Keep Reading...

What Does Dependable Service Look Like?

When cases come across our desks, they are not always issues that can be neatly wrapped up in one contact.  But with repeatedly delaying resolution for these cases, how do we stay squarely in the positive view of our customers?  It is quite simple: by being reliable.  But what does dependability look like when we Keep Reading...

Case Study: A $12 Mistake

Suzanne has been a customer of a certain company for six years. She's loyally purchased from them time and again and has encouraged friends to buy from them as well (and they have, she has the referral rewards to prove it!). So when Suzanne recently made yet another purchase from them, she had no reservations. Keep Reading...

When Customer Service Feels Good

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"] Photo by Zitona Qatar We all aspire to be companies who deliver excellent customer service, who make our customers love us. But what kinds of things can we do to Keep Reading...