case management

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What to do When the Point of Service Fails

Another name for a customer service representative is simply: Fixer.  Our job centers around fixing customer problems.  Sometimes they are problems with the product, or the website, or a return.  But other times, they are problems customers have experienced at the point of sale or service.  It is our duty to handle these situations with Keep Reading...

Why Customers Expect Communication

"I just made a big purchase: a car.  The caveat was that they had to find one with my selected options, so it was a drawn out experience.  And while I was very excited about the final product, the process was really stressful because I never knew what was going on or when things should Keep Reading...

Difficult Customer? Do These 5 Things

In life, and especially in customer service, we’re bound to encounter people who are generally difficult to deal with and can’t easily be placated. Having a customer service issue only compounds this fact and can make our job that much harder, but only if we let it. Here are 5 simple ways to handle these Keep Reading...

Search Your Cases Faster Than Ever!

Ready for a cooler, faster, more powerful quick case search than ever before? Would you love to find an Infusionsoft contact and their cases by phone number when they call in? What about by name, company name, email address or case number? Great! You’re going to LOVE this morning’s freshly released quick case search in Keep Reading...

Don't Email Customers You Can't Email

Before you spend all that time writing a nice email reply to someone, wouldn't you like to know if they've opted-out or can't receive email from you? Now, each time the To Address changes on a case reply, FuseDesk checks the email address in Infusionsoft to see if it's single or double opted in. If Keep Reading...

Turkey Day Minor Enhancements

Just in time for Thanksgiving, we've made a few minor enhancements to FuseDesk to better enable you to track support tickets with your Infusionsoft customers. Dates are now prettier, relative dates, i.e. "Today, 2:14pm", "Tuesday, 9:37am", etc... Email addresses are now visible on each line displaying the emails When viewing your cases, all new (i.e. Keep Reading...

Welcome to the Blog

Welcome to our blog! The blog will be used to keep you up to date on system notices and upgrades, as well as the latest in the world of customer support and customer satisfaction. For starters, what is FuseDesk?