Once you’ve installed FuseDesk’s free WordPress plugin, to allow folks to open a new support case, use the [fusedesk_newcase] shortcode on a page. This will display a form to create a new case.

[fusedesk_newcase] works perfectly by itself, but also supports the following optional parameters:

  • department: The ID of the department to assign the case to. Defaults to your default department in the plugin settings.
  • rep: The ID of the rep to assign the case to. Defaults to your default rep in the plugin settings.
  • casetagids: Comma separated list of FuseDesk Case Tag IDs that you want to apply to new cases. Defaults to not applying any case tags.
  • hideknowndata: Hide the name and/or email fields if we know who the user is (i.e. they’re logged in.) Defaults to showing the fields pre-filled in
  • nametext: The label for the name field. Defaults to “Your Name”
  • emailtext: The label for the email field. Defaults to “Your Email Address”
  • messagetext: The label for the message box. Defaults to ‘How can we help you?
  • buttontext: What to show on the button to create the case. Defaults to “Create Support Case”
  • creatingtext: What to show while a case is being submitted. Defaults to ‘Submitting Case…”
  • successtext: What to show after the case is created. Defaults to “Thanks! Your case has been created. We will get back to you shortly.”
  • class: What CSS class to apply to our inputs
  • style: What CSS style to apply to our inputs
  • table: Display the inputs in a table instead of breaking with newlines. Note that if you include any additional content (see below) and you turn table output on, you’ll need to put your additional content in table rows and cells with <tr> and <td> tags
  • showtitle: Prompt for a case title. Defaults to false (i.e. don’t ask for a case title)
  • titletext: The prompt for the case title/subject. Defaults to “Briefly, what is this request about?”
  • File Upload Support:
    • fileupload: Prompt for optional file upload. Set to anything to allow file uploads.
      Note that files will be uploaded and stored on your WordPress install and a link to the files will be included in the FuseDesk case.
      You should likely not enable this on public facing forms and you should be mindful of asking for any sensitive data.
      Defaults to not allowed.
    • filetext: What text to show next to the file upload control. Defaults to “Attach a File”
    • filerequired: If file uploads are allowed, if they should be required. Set to anything to require a file. Defaults to not required.
    • filesmultiple: If file uploads are allowed, allow multiple files to be uploaded. Set to 0 to disable. Defaults to allowed.
    • filetypesallowed: If file uploads are allowed, comma separated list of what file types are supported. These can be file extensions, partial MIME types, and more. Defaults to image/*,audio/*,application/pdf
  • Suggested Posts
    • suggestionstext: The label for suggested posts. Defaults to “May we suggest one of the following posts?”
    • suggestionlimit: How many posts to suggest. Defaults to 10.
    • suggestioncategories: Comma separated list of category names/slugs you want to restrict suggestions to. Defaults to all categories.
    • suggestionplacement: Where to place the suggested posts. Can be set to before (default), after, end, or none (to disable)

Again, all of these parameters are optional but they allow you to override any of the defaults.

An example to not show the name or email if present, changing the new case button text and change the name text:
[fusedesk_newcase hideknowndata="true" nametext="Primary Contact" buttontext="Get Help!" /]

Whatever content you put between [fusedesk_newcase] and [/fusedesk_newcase] tags will be added into the case details.

For example, if you wanted to include some hidden data about the customer, you could put a hidden input inside, like
[fusedesk_newcase]<input type="hidden" name="website" value="http://members.mysite.com/">[/fusedesk_newcase]

You could also add some additional options and fields, for example:
[fusedesk_newcase]Order #: <input type="text" name="order_number">[/fusedesk_newcase]

You could even go all out and add in a drop down, like:
[fusedesk_newcase]<select name="cruise_type"> <option value="Bahamas">Bahamas<option>
<option value="Alaska">Alaska<option>
<option value="Mediterranean">Mediterranean<option>

If you name your additional fields with underscores, like cruise_type, operating_system, favorite_place_to_hike, etc…, we’ll automatically translate those to title case, i.e. “Cruise Type”, and include them all in the case details.

Note: The examples above are using HTML input fields. These need to be added by editing your page in HTML mode.

Second Note: If you include any additional content pre above and you turn table output on, you’ll need to put your additional content in table rows and cells with <tr> and <td> tags

To style your form and form elements, either pass in the style parameter or class parameter or add entries for each of our elements into your style sheet. Pre-set IDs and classes include:

  • .fusedesk-contactform: all form elements have this class
  • #fusedesk-contact: the actual form
  • #fusedesk-contact-table: the form table, if enabled
  • #fusedesk-contact-email: the email address input field
  • #fusedesk-contact-name: the name input field
  • #fusedesk-title: the title input field
  • #fusedesk-message: the textarea for the case details
  • #fusedesk-contactform-submit: the submit button
  • #fusedesk-suggestions: the div that holds the suggestions list