Did you begin your professional life with plans to enter the customer service arena or did you arrive here after gaining experience in other career paths? What was it about customer service that attracted you and what keeps you here?
Robert always thought that he wanted to be in sales, so when he finished college, he was quickly hired into the sales department of a Fortune 500 company. As Robert accumulated clients and accounts, the frequency with which he was dealing with customer service issues skyrocketed. However, since Robert was in sales and not service, his role was relegated to one of middleman; he only facilitated handing off the customer to the service department rather than meeting the customer’s needs. As time went by, this began to frustrate Robert as he realized he wanted to be the problem solver for his clients. Thus, Robert transitioned to the service department, bringing with him an extensive front line knowledge of customer experiences with the company and its products. He recently celebrated his 6th year in the service department and feels that he has now found his professional calling.
When Nicole was in high school, she had a summer job at a drug store. She loved the daily interactions with her customers and delighted in finding new ways to ensure they enjoyed their shopping experience. Her customers loved her as well. This early experience serving customers cemented for Nicole that customer service would be the career path for her. She pursued her passion by entering a service department as her first real job and has never regretted it. Today, Nicole is enjoying her recent promotion to a management position and is looking forward to helping her team “provide the best case resolutions possible with a side of ‘wow’”.
Whether you always knew that customer service was the right path for you like Nicole, you fell into it by happenstance, or it was the logical evolution for your professional life like it was for Robert, the common quality of great representatives is always their love of and dedication to their customers’ and their experiences. Do you want to share your story of how you found yourself in customer service? We would love to hear it!