Cases are the core of FuseDesk. And there’s a lot you can do with cases.
API Documentation on Postman
Our API Documentation is now available on Postman which includes code samples, interactive documentation, and so much more.
See the documentation below on how to leverage our API to:
- Create a New Case
- Search for Cases
- Get a Case
- Add a Note to a Case
- Apply a Case Tag to a Case
- Remove a Case Tag from a Case
- Transfer (Assign) a Case
- Link a Case to a Contact
- Import Case History
Use the cases method to add, find and update cases.
Request URL:
Supported Methods: POST, GET
Authorization: See Authorization
Return Codes: See Return Codes
Create a New Case
Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Paramater | Required | Type | Default | Defined |
date_opened | no | datetime | now | When the case was opened. By default we’ll assume it’s being opened right now. You can also set this to any other valid date, helpful if you’re importing cases. |
date_assigned | no | datetime | When the case was assigned, i.e. given to a support rep to handle. | |
date_updated | no | datetime | date_opened | When a case was last opened. By default, we’ll assume it was last updated when it was opened. You can also set this to any other valid date, helpful if you’re importing cases. |
status | no | string | new | Case status. Defaults to new. Can be new, open, or closed. |
depid | yes | int | Department ID of the where this case should be assigned. | |
repid | no | int | random rep in department | FuseDesk User ID of the support rep who the case is assigned to. If no rep is specified, the User ID is invalid, or the User isn’t in the department, a random rep in the department will be selected. |
summary | yes | text | A short description of the case. This is typically the subject line of the email that opened the case or what a rep would enter when logging a a phone call as the title. | |
details | yes | text | Info on the case. This is typically the body of the original email that opened the case or the details of what the case is all about. | |
openedby | yes | text | Text version of who opened the case. This can be a name, email address, phone number, or whatever would make sense to describe who opened the case. | |
contactid | no | int | The Infusionsoft Contact ID of the contact (i.e. customer) who opened the case. | |
no | string | The email address of the contact (i.e. customer) who opened the case. If you pass in the email param and not a contactid, we’ll search Infusionsoft and link it to the right contact automatically. | ||
companyid | no | int | The Infusionsoft Company ID of the company who opened the case. | |
type | no | string | note | call or note to indicate if the note on the case should be logged as a call or a note. If you specify import , no note will be added to the case history. |
history | no | string | A JSON encoded string of any case history to add, i.e. emails, notes, and calls. | |
skipinfusionsoft | no | boolean | false | Set to True to skip importing the case history to Infusionsoft. Useful for large imports. |
casetags | no | string | A CSV list of FuseDesk case tag IDs that you want to apply to the new case |
Search for a Case
Request URL:
Request Method: GET
Paramater | Required | Type | Default | Defined |
no | text | Search Infusionsoft for the supplied email address, and then return all cases linked to the returned contact IDs. Caution: this takes an extra step and requires us connecting to Infusionsoft’s API servers, so this can take a moment longer than other searches. | ||
contactid | no | int | Search for cases assigned to a certain Infusionsoft Contact ID | |
companyid | no | int | Search for cases assigned to a certain Infusionsoft Company ID | |
repid | no | int | Search for cases assigned to a FuseDesk Rep. Use the Rep’s FuseDesk User ID | |
depid | no | int | Search for cases assigned to a certain FuseDesk Department. Use the FuseDesk DepartmentID | |
status | no | alpha | all | Search for cases with a certain status. Status can be all, active, new, open, or closed. All is all. Active is new and open cases. New cases are waiting on the support team. Open cases are waiting on the customer. Closed cases are resolved. |
casetag | no | int | Search for cases with the specific FuseDesk Case Tag ID. | |
date_opened | no | date* | Search for cases opened on, before, after, or between a specified date or dates | |
date_assigned | no | date* | Search for cases assigned on, before, after, or between a specified date or dates | |
date_firstresponse | no | date* | Search for cases first responded to on, before, after, or between a specified date or dates | |
date_updated | no | date* | Search for cases updated on, before, after, or between a specified date or dates | |
date_closed | no | date* | Search for cases closed on, before, after, or between a specified date or dates | |
limit | no | int | 150 | How many case to return (max of 500) |
offset | no | int | 0 | What result to start with, i.e. offset 500 to get “page 2” of 500 cases, offset with 1,000 to get “page 3” of 500 cases. |
orderby | no | alpha | date_updated | How to sort the results. By default, we return the cases sorted by the date they were last updated. You can also sort by caseid, contactid, date_opened, date_assigned, date_updated, date_resolved |
*Searching with Date Fields
When searching for cases using date fields, you can filter in four different ways. All dates need to be valid parseable dates, for example in YYYY-MM-DD format, like 2015-12-04
- On a date:
- Before a date:
- After a date:
- Between two dates:
Get info on a case:
Request URL:
Request Method: GET
Add a note to an existing case:
Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Paramater | Required | Type | Default | Defined |
title | yes | string | The short summary title of the note | |
type | yes | string | The type of note either “call” or “note” | |
note | yes | string | The body/content of the note | |
date_added | no | string | now | The date the note was added. Typically, you’d leave this blank, unless you were importing historical data |
Apply a Case Tag to an existing case:
Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Remove a Case Tag from an existing case:
Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Transfer a Case to another Department and/or Rep:
Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Paramater | Required | Type | Default | Defined |
repid | no | int | The current rep | The UserID of the rep to transfer the case to |
depid | no | int | The current department | The Department ID of the department to transfer the case to |
Link a Case to a Contact
Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Paramater | Required | Type | Default | Defined |
contactid | no | int | The ID of the Contact in your CRM | |
contactUuid | no | UUID | The UUID of the contact in FuseDesk |
Import Case history to an existing case:
Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Paramater | Required | Type | Default | Defined |
history | yes | string | A JSON encoded string of all history to import | |
skipinfusionsoft | no | boolean | false | Set to True to skip importing the case history to Infusionsoft. Useful for large imports. |
The history JSON should be an encoded array with each element being either a note (call or note) or an email. This type should be specified for each item with a type
parameter of call
, note
, or email
History Notes should be objects as outlined under addnote above.
History Emails should be objects as follows:
Paramater | Required | Type | Default | Defined |
to | yes | string | The email address that the email was sent to | |
from | yes | string | The email address that the email came from | |
cc | no | string | The email addresses that the email was CCed to | |
bcc | no | string | The email addresses that the email was CCed to | |
subject | yes | string | The subject line of the email | |
body | yes | string | The plain text version of the email | |
date_sent | no | datetime | now | The date and time that the email was sent |
date_recvd | no | datetime | now | The date and time that the email was received |
repid | no | int | The User ID of the rep that sent the email |