Email Rules are now Automations
Email Automations are now Unassigned Email Automations. These instructions are depreciated.
Please see Automations!
With Email Automation, you are able to take your unassigned e-mails that are coming in and run them through some different rules to determine what to do.
For example, if you want to filter non-cases (order notifications, Zoom notifications), you likely do not want them to go to cases so you can create email rules to prevent them from becoming a case.
Once you click on Settings | Automations, it will bring you to our Automations.
This allows you to create all of your email rules. By default emails that come in that are already attached to an existing case will be attached to the case.
We can filter out the emails that are “out of office” replies, auto-responder’s, etc.
FuseDesk looks at your e-mail rules; anything not processed by an e-mail rule will end up in your unassigned e-mails.
How to Do This:
- At the bottom you can click on Add a new rule; once you click on Add a new rule, it will by default be called unnamed rule – click to rename.
- We’re going to call this: Filter out emails from
- Add a new condition
- Then perform the following actions in the order: Ignore this email
- With this rule turned on, any email that comes in from will be automatically ignored.
- In order for the action to take place, all the rules have to be met.
- Ensure your rules are always turned on.
For more details, this was covered in depth as a part of our May 2014, Mastermind Call.