Legacy Web Forms, by default, sent from [email protected], don’t have a text body, and all have the same boring subject line which doesn’t make it easy for you to respond to and help out customers!

To really get your FuseDesk system humming with Infusionsoft’s Legacy Web Forms, you’ll want to turn off the “Send me an email when someone fills out this form” option and instead add an action to send you an email.

This will allow you to reply directly to the customer and to even set a custom (and personalized) subject line when they complete the form.

First get to the Legacy Order Forms:

(In InfusionSoft): “MyNav -> (under “E-Commerce” click) Legacy -> (under “Legacy” dropdown click) Legacy Order Forms

  1. Now to set this up:
  2. On the very top tabs, go to “Actions (Success)” tab
  3. Click on the dropdown options and select: Send an email, fax, etc.Legacy-help-article-send-email
  4. Result: New options will appear
  5. Click on the dropdown options where it says “What do you want to send?“, and select “Email”Legacy-help-article-send-email-2
  6. Below those options you can select an existing template or create a new one:
    1. To create a new one, click on the “Add” button, to the right of the options.
    2. Result: New window will appear where you can create the new template
      (To describe how to connect InfusionSoft and FuseDesk, let’s create a new template)Legacy-help-article-add-new-template
  7. In the new window, enter a title that can be recognized by you, ex: FuseDesk Orders
  8. Keep the Template public 
  9. Compose Email (this is where you need to connect it to FuseDesk)
    1. In the “From” field, the default is “The Contact’s Owner”, click on that as it is also a drop-down option and pick “Other…
    2. Result: new fields will appear: (Name (Optional)) and (Email Address)
  10. Use Merge Fields (by clicking on the “Merge” button) to fill in the name and the Email AddressLegacy-help-article-merge-fields
  11. Use ~Contact.FirstName~  ~Contact.LastName~ and ~Contact.Email~
    (this will add the contact details when creating a ticket in FuseDesk)
  12. Below the contact details, where it says “To: The contact’s primary email address“, you need to click “Change” and enter the email address that’s connected to your FuseDesk. ex: ([email protected])
    (This will connect it to FuseDesk and it will create a ticket).Legacy-help-article-to-field-change
  13. Change the subject to something like: Online Support Request from ~Contact.FirstName~ ~Contact.LastName~
  14. Change the email type to Plain Text
  15. In the body, enter text and “Get Personal” fields to represent the data you collected on the form, so, for example, if you were collecting a question and the custom field was called _Question, you’d enter something like:
    Phone: ~Contact.Phone1~
    Question: ~Contact._Question~
  16. Mark the template as Ready to send and save it
  17. Save the Send Email step in your web form
  18. Save your Legacy WebForm