Workflows empower you and your team to organize your cases and easily move them between columns.
When you create or edit a Workflow in FuseDesk, you’ll start off by setting the Name for your Workflow.
This will typically be something along the lines of “Sales Pipeline”, “Open Work Orders”, “Active Cases by Status”, etc…
Workflow Column Field
Next up, you’ll choose your Column Field.
Your Column Field determines how you organize which case goes into which column.
You can choose to organize your cases by Case Tag, Assigned Rep, Assigned Department, or Case Status.
Workflow View Filter
Your View Filter determines how you want to filter what cases show up in this Workflow.
For example, you could limit your Workflow to just show cases with a Status of Active, cases in the Sales Department, cases created only in the past 3 months, and so on.
You can even include dynamic filters so you just see cases assigned to or created by the logged in rep. This way the Workflow will only show the cases belonging to the rep logged in, much like your Inbox case queue.
Workflow Case Sorting
After you’ve configured your optional filters, choose how you want to Sort your cases in your Workflow.
You can choose to sort by Date Opened, Date Assigned, Date Last Responded To, Date First Responded To, or Date Updated.
Workflow Grouping
You can optionally group your cases into rows. By default grouping is set to None.
You can choose to group by Department, Rep, Status, or Contact.
Unassigned Emails
If you would like to also manage your unassigned emails from this workflow, you can do so.
Check the box next to Yes, Show Unassigned Emails and you’ll be able to view and manage Unassigned Emails right from your workflow.
Workflow Sharing
By default, your Workflow will be available to Everyone.
If you’ve created a Workflow just for your own use, you can change Sharing to Just Me.
Workflow Columns
Lastly, add and rearrange your Columns for this Workflow.
Click into Add Column to add a Case Tag, Rep, Department or Case Status (depending on your Column Field) to the Columns List.
After you’ve added your columns, click and drag to rearrange your columns.
Click the X on a column name to delete the column.
Note that you must have at least two columns for a Workflow to be useful.
Saving Your Workflow
After you’ve created your Workflow click Save and get moving your cases!
Deleting a Workflow
To Delete a previously created Workflow, click the red Delete button.