In FuseDesk, inbound emails that aren’t part of an existing case will go into your Unassigned queue so you can decide how you want to handle them.
Emails with a green icon mean that FuseDesk found a matching contact with that email address in your Infusionsoft app.
Emails with a red icon mean that FuseDesk was not able to find a match and that you’ll need to manually link the email to a contact if you decide to turn the email into a case.
Cases are handled in bulk by checking the box next to each case you want to handle the same way.
Take ‘Em means that you want to assign the case to yourself.
Close means that the email doesn’t need a reply and it’s not a case. Typically, you’ll Close emails that are customers replying back saying thanks, auto responders, and other non-case emails.
Spam is for emails that are junk mail. Currently, we do not filter for junk mail, but your clicking Spam on emails that are spam will help us to train the junk mail filter for your account if we add that feature in the future.
Assign Cases To allows you to assign the checked cases to a rep in a department. Choosing the right department not only assures that the case goes to the right place but will help you in your reporting later on when you want to see the case load between departments.
Merge and Assign Cases To allows you to group emails that should be part of the same case into one case. Typically, this happens when a customer emails you, and then sends a follow up email shortly after, before you’ve had a chance to create a case for the first email. Merging and Assigning the emails to the same case allows you to keep those emails together and avoid creating unnecessary cases.
Bulk Reply allows you to handle emails in bulk by specifying what rep and department they should be assigned to and what template you want to respond with. After choosing these options, FuseDesk will assign the cases, reply with the template and close the case out. If a customer replies to your reply, it will go to the rep and department you selected. Bulk Replying is helpful for when you get an influx of emails about the same issue, for example that a link isn’t working or a webinar was missed, and you want to respond with one template in a few quick clicks.
After you’ve finished reviewing all the Unassigned emails, it’s time to head over to your Inbox and take care of any cases that were assigned to you.