FuseDesk Help Desk and Messaging Platform

Transferring Calls in FuseDesk

Need to transfer a call to a colleague? Escalate a call to a manager? Route a call to the right person? Now you can!

Easily transfer a call to a colleague in FuseDesk by clicking the Transfer button while in a call and picking a colleague to transfer the call to.

In addition to picking a specific rep, you can also choose to transfer to the first available rep in a Department.

When you transfer a call, you will be disconnected from the customer and move into wrap up where you can finish up your note and save it to the case.

Your colleague(s) will receive a call notification in app just like an incoming call and have the option to Answer or Reject the call.

If the call is rejected or isn’t answered in time, the caller will fall back to voicemail.

Only reps that are online will be shown in the list of reps to transfer a call to.

Additionally you’ll only be able to transfer to a rep that isn’t already on a call or wrapping up a call.

If there are no reps online to receive a call transfer, you won’t be able to transfer the call.

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