FuseDesk Help Desk and Messaging Platform

How do I change my Email Signature?

Your email signature is set by the template you’re using. More than likely this is pulling in fields like your first and last name to put in the signature.

If you’d prefer to use a more complex and personal signature, you can change your template to use the Infusionsoft User Signature you have on file.

Before changing your templates to use ~LoggedInUser.Signature~ for the signature, assure that all of your reps have setup and configured their signature in Infusionsoft.

To do edit your Infusionsoft signature, click on Preferences in FuseDesk and then click the Infusionsoft link under About Me to edit your signature. The next time you log into FuseDesk, we’ll request the latest version of your signature from Infusionsoft to be used in all of your email templates that request the signature!

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