FuseDesk Help Desk and Messaging Platform

Moving in the Right Direction

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Image credit: RM Media Ltd.

Image credit: RM Media Ltd.

A seamless customer service experience is not simply born overnight. It is something that is continually worked on, forever moving us closer to excellence. We asked business owners and customer service representatives about what ways they have changed their customer service approaches in order to improve their interactions with their customers. Here is what they said:

“We looked at our customer hold time and realized that we wanted to reduce it by 30%, minimum. There was no way to achieve this without putting more people on the line, so we hired an additional representative by farming the contacts of our existing team. Our new hire not only fits in perfectly with the team, but she has reduced our customer hold time by over 50%!” –Mark

“I’ve been in customer service for six years and I love it. But I wanted to do an honest assessment of how consistent I was in being friendly with customers. I realized that I had two points in the day when I would just start going through the motions: about an hour before lunch, and an hour and a half before going home. That’s not how I want to work, so I started using my breaks to give myself little pep talks to regain my energy. By reading positive affirmations, quotes, or listening to a song or two that makes me feel especially happy, I come back from break ready to give my customers 100% of my time and attention.” –Shirley

“I really wanted to change our customer service from being ordinary to knocking it out of the park. I asked everyone in customer service to take 5 minutes at the end of their shifts to think back on all the people they had spoken with, and to write down who they would want us to do something extra for and why. Once a week, I pick one of the answers at random, we pull up the case, and brainstorm something extra nice for that customer. It’s been fun to do and we’re going to try expanding it to have our reps enter up to 3 of their favorite cases every month for a drawing to do something larger.” –Christina

As we wind down the second quarter, what are your service goals going forward? How are you going to achieve them? Have you made any changes over the first half of the year that have already moved you closer to your goals? Share them here!


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