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Setting the Standard: A Lowe’s Employee Sits Down

A woman in Wilkesboro, North Carolina is the proud owner of Baxter, a special needs rescue dog.  Baxter requires the assistance of a doggy wheelchair and, when his owner, Amy Jo Martin, decided to upgrade his chair with an anti-tip wheel, she headed to Lowe’s for ideas as well as parts.

Ms. Martin asked at the service desk for the assistance of an employee who could help come up with a creative design to help with Baxter’s freedom.  Who she got for help was an employee by the name of Andy.  Andy diligently spent the next hour brainstorming solutions for Baxter until he finally came up with the answer and sent Ms. Martin on her way with exactly the parts she would need.

After building out the wheelchair with Andy’s design and selected parts, Ms. Martin took Baxter to the vet, and then back to Lowe’s to share the happy news of success with Andy.  Continuing with his theme of helpful, friendly service, Andy immediately sat down on the floor to give Baxter some love

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Photo by Amy Jo Martin

and check out the finished project.  He then went one step further, explaining how much he and his wife love dogs and offered an open-ended invitation to dog-sit Baxter if the need ever arose.

In the age of social media, Andy’s enthusiasm for helping his customer was not only noticed by his customer and her precious dog.  Ms. Martin complimented Andy’s service to the store manager, then posted a photo of Andy with Baxter and a synopsis of her experience on the manager’s Facebook page.  Not only did the story end up there, but it was shared by individuals around the world, ended up being featured on Love What Matters, and has been the focus of news articles.

When we act with love, compassion, and dedication in our professional lives, we greatly impact the people we come into contact with.  Whether the audience for these good deeds is one single individual, or a dog, or thousands of people around the world, the importance of each of our good deeds is unchanged.  In service, we must be committed to giving every customer our very best efforts.


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